Lateral Flow Tests

What does living with Covid Mean for lateral flow tests

April 28, 2022

The UK Government has sets out next steps for living with COVID. What this means for testing and how it affects our every day life.

Here at lateral flow tests, we have repeated with HM Government see as living with covid.

The NHS will continue to give free Lateral flow tests and PCR tests to those they believe are in a specific vulnerable group. While if there is a major outbreak there are plans developing to allow fast testing response should a new threat come to light.

The role out of Vaccines and a better understanding of treatment means we can manage the covid virus in a similar way to other respiratory illnesses.

Those who are seriously ill and eligible will get the free tests if they develop symptons.

NHS and adult social care staff plus those are in other high-risk settings, Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid announced

Free lateral flow tests and PCR for the general public ends on 1 April as part of the Living with COVID plan which last month set out the government’s strategy to live with and manage the virus.

In April 2022 over 55% of those in hospital that have tested positive are not there because COVID-19 is their primary diagnosis.If they develop symtons they will have tests provided for them.

How much did free testing come to for the UK: A total of £15 Billion was spent on free testing, tracing and isolation costs just in 2021.

Access to anti virals drugs alongside natural immunity and increased scientific and public understanding about how to manage over all covid risk, the UK population now has much stronger protection against COVID-19.

From Arpil 2022 anyone with a positive COVID-19 test result will be advised to where possible stay at home and keep out of contact of other people for 5 days.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Sajid Javid said:

"Thanks to our plan to tackle COVID we are leading the way in learning to live with the virus. We have made enormous progress but will keep the ability to respond to future threats including potential variants.

Vaccines remain our best defence and we are now offering spring boosters to the elderly, care home residents and the most vulnerable – please come forward to protect yourself, your family, and your community." The Secretary goes on to say:

"Under the plans set out today free symptomatic testing will be provided for: People for are eligible for free lateral flow test will be contacted directly and sent lateral flow tests to keep at home .

Ready to use the lateral flow test if they have symptoms as well as being told how to reorder these lateral flow tests.

High risk environments: Adult social care HOme care organisations Care homes NHS works, Those working in Hospices Prisons Places of detention

where infection needs to be identified fast to minimise outbreaks. People will also be tested before being discharged from hospital into care homes and hospices.